查看完整版本: I just fucked a girl in my office

dangolen 2013-9-27 21:59

its just a one night stand relationship for both of you. There is no real love between you guys but i would say keep banging her just for the pleasure :lol:

ziyueabcd 2013-10-1 13:53

you may hurt both of you, and what I want to say is "stop being stupid".

knwolf007 2013-10-5 23:16

Nice why don not happened to me I like it very much

andrew16 2013-10-22 20:31

you are a teacher and you are confuse?

why are you even here?

luohaha007 2013-12-2 22:24

wow  I thought you did in the office when I read the title at first

coolguy1002 2013-12-22 22:53

LOL bro nice one

I THINK that you should tell her to ditch her bf and go with you, cos obviously your the way cooler one, but theres only 1 problem, can you beat her bf, if not stay back man, you going to get hurt

so friendly advice from a fellow person

blueashtray 2013-12-27 10:58

no picture no truth, and said one fart!:lol:

big_0520 2013-12-28 20:37

You are lucky, bro. Although she has boyfriend but she still willing to has a fuck with you meaning that she's really has a crush on you. You should hold this chance and let her become your girl !! But you should make sure she's not a bi**h, if not you just got her and her heart and body will grab by other soon.

wacha 2014-1-24 10:58

good job man, keep doing it in other offices

forumdiv3r 2014-3-14 20:12

It would be great if you share us more details during the process!

pllmn2014 2014-7-28 18:29

There is always boy and girl in a forum. Just matter of luck to find a real girl

win2008333 2014-8-1 11:47

no picture is no trues,so....hahaha

pllmn2014 2014-8-18 12:13

I think you misunderstand Keephealthy's meaning

sweet_yu1 2014-8-28 20:54

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chouhou 2014-10-8 11:25

Shame on you, bullshit teacher.

but if you next time will fuck her, please call me as well.

pllmn2014 2014-10-8 12:13

Please refer to the guide post first before open new thread asking something that already included inside the guide post

164830468 2014-10-12 10:51

回复 1楼 的帖子

you are wrong

164830468 2014-10-12 10:51

回复 1楼 的帖子

you are wrong, not a good men

164830468 2014-10-12 10:52

回复 1楼 的帖子

you are wrong, not a good men

chouhou 2014-10-14 14:38

how are you feeling, good or not good?
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查看完整版本: I just fucked a girl in my office